“Perfect pitch” equivalent for someone with a good visual sense

If someone with a good sense of tonal hearing can be described as having perfect pitch, what is the equivalent phrase or word for someone who has a good visual sense?


Jane is great at color coordination and color balance. She has good sense of _____.


Joe’s ability to detect fine detail in works of art make him a ____.

Solution 1:

A good sense for what colours are attractive in a particular situation is often called an eye for colour, colour sense, or sense of colour.

The ability to resolve fine detail particularly at a distance would often be described as being eagle eyed or hawk eyed. More generally a good sense of vision is often described as being sharp eyed or having sharp eyes or a sharp eye.

None of these is equivalent to perfect pitch which is much more specific ability to pick out the dominant frequency of a sound as a note and to detect if it's off from the exact frequency it should be for a note. The equivalent for vision would be being able to pick out the frequency of light we're seeing, but the way our eyes work makes this impossible. Just having a good sense of hearing would be better described as being sharp eared or having sharp ears"

Solution 2:

There are a few misconceptions. Good hearing doesn't imply perfect pitch. They are separate concepts. Perfect pitch is the ability to discern individual musical notes.

A word for excellent vision is eagle eyes. "Joe has eagle eyes. He can see a muskrat from 100 meters."

You can't use eagle eyed for Jane. For that sentence you would say "Jane has a good sense of style."

Solution 3:

You can say that Jane has a good sense of colour and Joe has an eye for detail.

Solution 4:

I'd suggest,

have a discerning/good eye

(idiom) If a person has a discerning eye, they are particularly good at judging the quality of something. UsingEnglish

have an eye [for something]

To be discriminating or perceptive about something, as in She has an eye for decorating. [c. 1700] AHD

Solution 5:

I have always called it perfect plum. Tones do not necessarily equate to color. Visual spacial ability is the core skill. Just as you can hear the depth of a canyon by the pitch of the echo; so can you see the perpendicularity of a wall or the level of a line. To discern it to the exact degree; 0-360, without any relative identifying clues; might be equivalent to identifying an exact note.