English idiom for a lot of paper? [closed]

Is there any English idiom with meaning "a lot of paper" (like documents), like "a tons of paper" or so?

I mean paper as paperwork, but not in the context of the work itself, more kind of going through the papers, filing it and so on. Someone in the comments suggested: “An avalanche of paper” which works great.

Are there any others?

Solution 1:

Reams of paper.

Definitions from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

n. A quantity of paper, formerly 480 sheets, now 500 sheets or, in a printer's ream, 516 sheets.
n. A very large amount. Often used in the plural: reams of work to do.

Solution 2:

Could an expression like:

  • I am buried in paper .

fit your context?

enter image description here

Solution 3:

Given that paper copies of documents are sometimes known as "dead tree" versions, "a whole forest of dead trees" might do.