How to not show the last file when starting up Notepad++? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Closing Notepad++ tabs on closing application

It's very annoying that every time Notepad++ starts, it displays the last modified file. Is there a setting to turn this feature off?


Click on the "MISC" tab.

Uncheck the option on the bottom left: "Remember current session for next launch"


In Notepad++ the feature is referred to as the 'session' (all the docs you had open when you last closed it).

To disable it via Notepad++ (as noted in other answer):

Settings --> Preferences --> Misc. Tab --> Un-check "Remember current session for next launch"

NP++ Misc Prefs Screen

From outside Notepad++, you can use the command-line argument -nosession to force NP++ to start without loading the last session:

-nosession Use this parameter to launch Notepad++ without loading the previous session (the files opened in Notepad++ at the last time). On shutdown, Notepad++ will not record currently opened files in session.xml.

For the complete list of command-line options check out this page on NP++'s wiki on SourceForge.