How to delete the Windows directory from an old hard drive?

Solution 1:

At least following worked for me:

takeown /f x:\windows /r

added full rights to the folder in properties -> security

icacls x:\windows /reset /T

Solution 2:

Download and burn an Ubuntu LiveCD

Then boot into that LiveCD (usually place the CD in the drive, restart your computer while holding down F12 )

The Ubuntu Distribution will take a little while to load, once it does it should recognize your internal hardrives. You can find more info here:

Just remove these folders through Linux.

rm -rf <path to directory to remove>

if this fails because of privileges try

sudo rm -rf <path to directory to remove>

Be warned, you should be absolutely sure you do not need these directories.

Solution 3:

Windows 10 how to steal a full ownership of protected folder I just deleted Windows,Program Files, Program Files(x86) folders from the old hdd disk.

  • Select a folder in a file explorer
  • 2nd mouse button/Properties/Security tab
  • Advanced button, Click on the Owner: xxx (Change) hyperlink
  • Type in the your username or use Advanced to search for user object.
  • Click [x]Replace owner on subcontainers.. field
  • Click on the Apply button
  • Click on OK to close all permission windows

  • 2nd mouse button/Properties/Security tab, second time

  • Advanced button
  • Click on the Add or select your own username row in a listbox.
  • Apply [x]Full control and everything else to your username object, if doubt apply a generic all users group to have a full control as well.
  • Click [x]Replace all child object permission entries.. field
  • Click on the Apply button
  • Click on OK to close all permission windows

Delete a windows, program files or any protected folder you took.

Solution 4:

You must take ownership and then grant yourself Full Control permissions to the folder.

Taking ownership only gives you the ability to change ACLs. Granting yourself permissions then gives you the ability to delete the files/folders.