VirtualBox Machine auto shutting down, how do I stop it from auto shutdown

Solution 1:

heavyd is right.

In the Windows guest, open the command prompt and enter

slmgr /rearm

(not --rearm as cited in that post, since this is Windows). You can do that up to twice apparently, to extend by 30 days each time. Apparently the iectrl tool from ievms also works but I didn't try that.

Solution 2:

The slmgr /rearm command needs to be run as Administrator. Otherwise you'll get the error:

"Error: 0xC004F025 Access denied: the requested action requires elevated privileges."

For Windows 8:

  1. Get to Desktop
  2. Right-click bottom left Start icon to display the menu
  3. Select "Command Prompt (Admin)"
  4. Click "OK" on the dialog box.
  5. In the Command Prompt run slmgr /rearm

For other windows versions, visit this TechNet page.

Solution 3:


This is caused by the WLMS (Windows License Monitoring Service).

Some suggested to try: slmgr /rearm, which will only temporary fix this issue, but you will need to run this every 30 days or so, and it didn't seem to work on my machine. (Windows 10 x64 Virtualbox)

Permanent solution (and the only thing that worked in my case) is to delete WLMS Service completely.

Permanent solution:

  1. Download "pstools"
  2. Extract it anywhere (e.g. "C:\pstools")
  3. Run CMD as Admin
  4. Navigate to that directory (e.g. "cd 'C:\pstools'")
  5. Type "psexec -i -d -s cmd" (a new GUI window will pop up)
  6. Click "Agree" on the license agreement dialog box
  7. Then you will get another command prompt running under “nt authoriy\system” (You can check it by running the command "whoami" )
  8. Type "sc delete WLMS"
  9. Type "regedit" (This will open another Window: "Registry editor")
  10. Navigate to: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->System->CurrentControlSet->Services" and find "WLMS"
  11. Right-click the Key and press "Delete"
  12. Restart the computer