Single keypress types repeated characters (MacBook Pro 2016 & 2017)

Solution 1:

Finally, if anyone had or has the same issue, Apple is replacing the keyboard free of charge / refunding the past repair :

UPDATE. There is a small program, called Unshaky written on Swift. It fixed this issue for me. It lets you configure a timeout for each key to suppress duplicate keypresses. For instance, if the 'e' key is giving you trouble, you can configure the timeout for a longer duration and adjust for the best results. There is also a statistics panel that shows how many times a key was suppressed by the software, as well as a detailed breakdown for each key.

Solution 2:

I have the same problem. I gradually started noticing double key presses for few keys showing up in the text I typed. The offending keys are: i, t and e.

How to reproduce

  • I went to Keyboard > Key Repeat > Off.
  • When I press down the i and then slide my finger from the left edge to the right edge of the key, it triggers more keypresses.
  • If I key my finger still and press down with more pressure, it sometimes triggers more keypresses.

Pressure seems to be important. If I rub lightly it doesn't happen as much.

I wonder what is causing it. I hope its dust. I will clean my keyboard tonight. But seeing as they all occur in the same row, maybe its something to do with the circuitry - I have to research more about how the keyboard works.

Sprayed my laptop keyboard with a lot of pressurized air. Did not help at all. the T and I keys are still consistently causing issues.

Solution 3:

The current range of MacBook Pros seem to be suffering from this problem with the keyboard. To the point where they have released this technical note about how to attempt a fix.

But a recent article has brought this to the forefront of the tech-news, and as a result Apple may be forced to take more action on this obvious design flaw. It has reached the point where there is even a song now.

I also had a problem with the L key on a new laptop at work. Spare a thought for those of us who live in a country that has no Apple stores. From here in Thailand, any repair that requires a return means a three-week (at least) trip to Singapore. It's still under repair, and we are still waiting for it to come back.

Solution 4:

A seemingly workable way is to Enable Slow keys under the Accessibility setting of Keyboard. For me, a slight adjusting above Short can mostly resolve the problem.