Are there keyboard shortcuts for Home, End, PageDown, and PageUp in OS X?

You can do page up/down and home/end on a Macbook keyboard by using the fn and the arrow keys:

fn+ is PageUp
fn+ is PageDown
fn+ is Home
fn+ is End

+ works like a PC's End (moves the cursor to the end of the line). + works like a PC's Home (moves to the beginning of the line). ctrl+A and ctrl+E (Emacs-style keybindings) work in most OS X applications as well.

I found another solution for you while I was playing around with KeyRemap4MacBook. Check out the settings pictured below. See anything you like? :)

keyremap4macbook settings

On my MBP it's: CMD + FN + <- for HOME and CMD + FN + -> for END

For Eclipse it appears that these keys aren't even set to anything by default, at least in my installation. You probably need to set them in the preferences:

eclicpse page up and page down

I don't know exactly where the end and home Windows-like functions are in this screen, I couldn't find anything yet that sounds like what they do. Something like "move cursor to end\beginning of line" was what I was looking for.

If you're talking about Safari's address bar, try + and + for end and home. Those work in lots of other apps as well.