Watchkit AppIcon - The app icon set named "AppIcon" did not have any applicable content

There is the Images.xcassets file in my WatchKit App. As soon as I put any icon in that asset build failed with the error message: "The app icon set named "AppIcon" did not have any applicable content."

enter image description here

This is an easy method to generate your WatchKit icons, which worked well for me:

  • Upload a source image to
  • Go to Images.xcassets in the WatchKit app
  • Right click on the pane which includes AppIcon, select "Import...", and choose the watchkit folder that generated for you

Most likely your watchKit app icons are not of the correct size. You need the following sizes

    (these are all in pixels)
    48 x 48
    55 x 55
    58 x 58
    80 x 80
    87 x 87
    88 x 88
    172 x 172
    196 x 196

Basically all the numbers you see in at bottom under Images.xcassets you need to double them as they need to be retina display.

Most likely your watchKit app icons are not of the correct size. You need follow the instructions in above image