How to find how much disk space is left using Java?

Solution 1:

Have a look at the File class documentation. This is one of the new features in 1.6.

These new methods also include:

  • public long getTotalSpace()
  • public long getFreeSpace()
  • public long getUsableSpace()

If you're still using 1.5 then you can use the Apache Commons IO library and its FileSystem class

Solution 2:

Java 1.7 has a slightly different API, free space can be queried through the FileStore class through the getTotalSpace(), getUnallocatedSpace() and getUsableSpace() methods.

NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
for (Path root : FileSystems.getDefault().getRootDirectories()) {

    System.out.print(root + ": ");
    try {
        FileStore store = Files.getFileStore(root);
        System.out.println("available=" + nf.format(store.getUsableSpace())
                            + ", total=" + nf.format(store.getTotalSpace()));
    } catch (IOException e) {
        System.out.println("error querying space: " + e.toString());

The advantage of this API is that you get meaningful exceptions back when querying disk space fails.

Solution 3:

Use CommonsIO and FilesystemUtils:



or built into the JDK:

new File("/").getFreeSpace();

Solution 4:

in checking the diskspace using java you have the following method in File class

  • getTotalSpace()
  • getFreeSpace()

which will definitely help you in getting the required information. For example you can refer to which gives a concrete example in using these methods.