What are practical uses of applicative style?

I am a Scala programmer, learning Haskell now. It's easy to find practical use cases and real world examples for OO concepts, such as decorators, strategy pattern etc. Books and interwebs are filled with it.

I came to the realization that this somehow is not the case for functional concepts. Case in point: applicatives.

I am struggling to find practical use cases for applicatives. Almost all of the tutorials and books I have come across so far provide the examples of [] and Maybe. I expected applicatives to be more applicable than that, seeing all the attention they get in the FP community.

I think I understand the conceptual basis for applicatives (maybe I am wrong), and I have waited long for my moment of enlightenment. But it doesn't seem to be happening. Never while programming, have I had a moment when I would shout with a joy, "Eureka! I can use applicative here!" (except again, for [] and Maybe).

Can someone please guide me how applicatives can be used in a day-to-day programming? How do I start spotting the pattern? Thanks!

Applicatives are great when you've got a plain old function of several variables, and you have the arguments but they're wrapped up in some kind of context. For instance, you have the plain old concatenate function (++) but you want to apply it to 2 strings which were acquired through I/O. Then the fact that IO is an applicative functor comes to the rescue:

Prelude Control.Applicative> (++) <$> getLine <*> getLine

Even though you explicitly asked for non-Maybe examples, it seems like a great use case to me, so I'll give an example. You have a regular function of several variables, but you don't know if you have all the values you need (some of them may have failed to compute, yielding Nothing). So essentially because you have "partial values", you want to turn your function into a partial function, which is undefined if any of its inputs is undefined. Then

Prelude Control.Applicative> (+) <$> Just 3 <*> Just 5
Just 8


Prelude Control.Applicative> (+) <$> Just 3 <*> Nothing

which is exactly what you want.

The basic idea is that you're "lifting" a regular function into a context where it can be applied to as many arguments as you like. The extra power of Applicative over just a basic Functor is that it can lift functions of arbitrary arity, whereas fmap can only lift a unary function.

Since many applicatives are also monads, I feel there's really two sides to this question.

Why would I want to use the applicative interface instead of the monadic one when both are available?

This is mostly a matter of style. Although monads have the syntactic sugar of do-notation, using applicative style frequently leads to more compact code.

In this example, we have a type Foo and we want to construct random values of this type. Using the monad instance for IO, we might write

data Foo = Foo Int Double

randomFoo = do
    x <- randomIO
    y <- randomIO
    return $ Foo x y

The applicative variant is quite a bit shorter.

randomFoo = Foo <$> randomIO <*> randomIO

Of course, we could use liftM2 to get similar brevity, however the applicative style is neater than having to rely on arity-specific lifting functions.

In practice, I mostly find myself using applicatives much in the same way like I use point-free style: To avoid naming intermediate values when an operation is more clearly expressed as a composition of other operations.

Why would I want to use an applicative that is not a monad?

Since applicatives are more restricted than monads, this means that you can extract more useful static information about them.

An example of this is applicative parsers. Whereas monadic parsers support sequential composition using (>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b, applicative parsers only use (<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b. The types make the difference obvious: In monadic parsers the grammar can change depending on the input, whereas in an applicative parser the grammar is fixed.

By limiting the interface in this way, we can for example determine whether a parser will accept the empty string without running it. We can also determine the first and follow sets, which can be used for optimization, or, as I've been playing with recently, constructing parsers that support better error recovery.