What determines the type of takedown animation performed?

I noticed that most of the lethal take-downs I performed in my recent play through involved stabbing the enemy in the lower section and then splitting their head with the elbow blade as they were doubled over.

Only once, in the entire gameplay with over 100 take-downs, did I see the one where he extends his fingers, grab the enemy by the top of their head, and snap their neck with a nasty looking twist.

Obviously the take-down animation isn't random or else I'd see that maneuver more, but what determines the animation? Distance? Approach? Type of enemy?

Is it possible to do a double take-down with the neck twist animation? I'd like to capture a video of Jensen doing that against two Ogres(the super heavy soldiers) if possible.

Solution 1:

First if you have double takedown the animation is first chosen by number of opponents.

Second by the type of takedown(lethal or no).

Third the way targets are facing(facing you,facing away,side or sitting).

Fourth is the random chosen animation(not shure but it seems some animation have higher chance of being randomized).

Note:Animations for heavy enemies are same.Bosses counter your takedowns.

-About your case of double neck twist takedown i belive it is not possible.Here are most of animations: