Correct response to "Pardon me" [closed]

Solution 1:

A considerate person might spare further embarrassment by simply smiling discreetly, or using some other body language.

If you feel the need to respond, you could say "that's OK".

If you want to be extra polite/formal, say "I beg your pardon." instead of "Pardon me!".

Solution 2:

For some situations, say, someone steps on your foot, the exchange would go like this:

you: "Ow"

them: "Pardon me"

you: "No problem" (informal), "That's quite all right" (formal), "Watch it buster" (rude and in a 1930's gangster film, i.e. you wouldn't ever say this because it is impolite and outdated) Most likely you'd scowl a bit, but with an appeasing style. If you were Canadian, it would start with -you- saying "Pardon me" or "I'm so sorry".

For normal adult English, if someone burps, the exchange goes like this:

them (after burping): "Pardon me" or "Excuse me"

...and that's it. You don't respond to their excuse for violating that kind of social norm (it is rude to burp in public). You don't want to continue the embarrassment of everybody involved by making an exchange out of it.

(this is different from sneezing...someone sneezes, you say "bless you" or 'gesundheit" or something, and they may or may not respond with a "thanks". For coughing...nobody cares.)

Solution 3:

I voted up @z7sg's as I agree no response is necessary.

Other options for if you feel the need to respond: "no worries" or "no problem".

Of course with close friends and family if I want to be joking I would respond "I should say so!"