How to move to previous caret position in Android Studio

Use Ctrl + Alt + Left and Ctrl + Alt + Right

For Mac, use Command + Option + Left and Command + Option + Right

If these don't work for you, it is possible that these keys are assigned for some of the functions of your OS/video drivers, you can either disable the shortcuts that are using these keys from operating system settings/video driver settings or change shortcuts from Android Studio itself by going to:

File > Settings > Keymap > Main menu > Navigate > Back/Forward

Move to previous caret position Android Studio

Mac users can find this dialog by going to Android Studio's: App Menu -> Preferences

It's Alt + Ctrl + Right/Left arrow and mouse buttons 4 and 5 (if your mouse has those). You can change these shortcuts under:

File > Settings > Keymap > Main menu > Navigate > Back/Forward.

  • Another option : move to the last edit location: CTRL + SHIFT + BACKSPACE

  • Move to the last cursor position: CTRL + ALT + left Arrow