Sass/Compass - Convert Hex, RGB, or Named Color to RGBA

Use the rgba function built into Sass

Sets the opacity of a color.


rgba(#102030, 0.5) => rgba(16, 32, 48, 0.5)
rgba(blue, 0.2) => rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.2)

(Color) color
(Number) alpha — A number between 0 and 1



rgba(#ff0000, 0.5); // Output is rgba(255,0,0,0.5);

The rgba function doesn't work on color with no transparency, it returns an hex again. After all, it's not meant to transform hex to rgba, we're just making profit out of hex doesn't allow alpha (yet).

rgba(#fff, 1) // returns #fff

So, I made al little functions that buils the rgb string. I don't need to deal with transparencies for now.

@function toRGB ($color) {
    @return "rgb(" + red($color) + ", " + green($color) + ", " + blue($color)+ ")";