Why does a module level return statement work in Node.js?

Solution 1:


The modules are wrapped by Node.js within a function, like this:

(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) {
    // our actual module code

So the above shown code is actually executed by Node.js, like this

(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) {
    console.log("Trying to reach");
    console.log("dead code");

That is why the program prints only Trying to reach and skips the console.log following the return statement.


This is where we need to understand how Node.js processes Modules. When you run your .js file with Node.js, it treats that as a module and compiles it with the v8 JavaScript engine.

It all starts with runMain function,

// bootstrap main module.
Module.runMain = function() {
  // Load the main module--the command line argument.
  Module._load(process.argv[1], null, true);
  // Handle any nextTicks added in the first tick of the program

In the Module._load function, a new Module object is created and it is loaded.

var module = new Module(filename, parent);
try {
  hadException = false;

The Module function's load does this,

// Given a file name, pass it to the proper extension handler.
Module.prototype.load = function(filename) {
  debug('load ' + JSON.stringify(filename) +
        ' for module ' + JSON.stringify(this.id));

  this.filename = filename;
  this.paths = Module._nodeModulePaths(path.dirname(filename));

  var extension = path.extname(filename) || '.js';
  if (!Module._extensions[extension]) extension = '.js';
  Module._extensions[extension](this, filename);
  this.loaded = true;

Since our file's extension is js, we see what the Module._extensions has for .js. It can be seen here

// Native extension for .js
Module._extensions['.js'] = function(module, filename) {
  var content = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');
  module._compile(stripBOM(content), filename);

The module object's _compile is invoked in that function and this is where the magic happens,

// Run the file contents in the correct scope or sandbox. Expose
// the correct helper variables (require, module, exports) to
// the file.
// Returns exception, if any.

This is where the require function, used by our node modules's is created first.

function require(path) {
  return self.require(path);

require.resolve = function(request) {
  return Module._resolveFilename(request, self);

Object.defineProperty(require, 'paths', { get: function() {
  throw new Error('require.paths is removed. Use ' +
                  'node_modules folders, or the NODE_PATH ' +
                  'environment variable instead.');

require.main = process.mainModule;

// Enable support to add extra extension types
require.extensions = Module._extensions;
require.registerExtension = function() {
  throw new Error('require.registerExtension() removed. Use ' +
                  'require.extensions instead.');

require.cache = Module._cache;

And then there is something about wrapping the code,

// create wrapper function
var wrapper = Module.wrap(content);

We set out to find what Module.wrap does, which is nothing but

Module.wrap = NativeModule.wrap;

which is defined in src/node.js file and that is where we find this,

NativeModule.wrap = function(script) {
  return NativeModule.wrapper[0] + script + NativeModule.wrapper[1];

NativeModule.wrapper = [
  '(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { ',

This is how our programs have access to the magic variables, exports, require, module, __filename and __dirname

Then the wrapped function is compiled and executed here with runInThisContext,

var compiledWrapper = runInThisContext(wrapper, { filename: filename });

And then finally, the module's compiled wrapped function object is invoked like this, with values populated for exports, require, module, __filename and __dirname

var args = [self.exports, require, self, filename, dirname];
return compiledWrapper.apply(self.exports, args);

This is how our modules are processed and executed by Node.js and that is why the return statement works without failing.