Xbox 360 not logging in correctly

You may have changed your Live account password in those years, and possibly on some Microsoft website (i.e. not from your xbox).

Changing your Live account password online allows you to do things you can't do on a xbox... which makes the xbox won't be able to connect to xbox Live, telling you essentially that your password is incorrect.

Make sure your password:

  • Doesn't contain spaces. The Y | Space key is grayed out in the xbox live password entry screen.
  • Isn't longer than 16 characters. The 17th character will sound a "tick" just like the 16th one and the 15 others before it, but a new dot will not appear in the textbox of the xbox live password entry screen.

I cannot fathom a reason why changing your Live account password online, to contain whitespace and/or be longer than 16 characters doesn't at least warn you that your xbox won't be able to connect anymore - it's not like Microsoft doesn't know that the Live account is used on xbox Live.

Experienced on xbox360 - not sure if xbox 1 (one? or pre-360?) has other constraints.

Okay, I had this same problem for weeks, what I did to solve it was I deleted my account, and then re-downloaded it, it took legit half an hour of loading but it thankfully worked and I could choose "stay logged in*