How to check a input IP fall in a specific IP range

There's nothing built into the framework, but it wouldn't take much effort to create an IPAddressRange class.

You'd compare the ranges by calling IPAddress.GetAddressBytes on the lower address, upper address and comparison address. Starting at the first byte, check if the comparison address is in the range of the upper/lower address.

This method works for both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

public class IPAddressRange
    readonly AddressFamily addressFamily;
    readonly byte[] lowerBytes;
    readonly byte[] upperBytes;

    public IPAddressRange(IPAddress lowerInclusive, IPAddress upperInclusive)
        // Assert that lower.AddressFamily == upper.AddressFamily

        this.addressFamily = lowerInclusive.AddressFamily;
        this.lowerBytes = lowerInclusive.GetAddressBytes();
        this.upperBytes = upperInclusive.GetAddressBytes();

    public bool IsInRange(IPAddress address)
        if (address.AddressFamily != addressFamily)
            return false;

        byte[] addressBytes = address.GetAddressBytes();

        bool lowerBoundary = true, upperBoundary = true;

        for (int i = 0; i < this.lowerBytes.Length && 
            (lowerBoundary || upperBoundary); i++)
            if ((lowerBoundary && addressBytes[i] < lowerBytes[i]) ||
                (upperBoundary && addressBytes[i] > upperBytes[i]))
                return false;

            lowerBoundary &= (addressBytes[i] == lowerBytes[i]);
            upperBoundary &= (addressBytes[i] == upperBytes[i]);

        return true;

NB: The above code could be extended to add public static factory methods FromCidr(IPAddress address, int bits)

You might want to consider this library by @jsakamoto, which allows you to parse range of IP address string such as "" and "" and "", and can conatins check. This library supports both IPv4 and IPv6.

It can also be installed via NuGet:

using NetTools;
// rangeA.Begin is "", and rangeA.End is "".
var rangeA = IPAddressRange.Parse("");
rangeA.Contains(IPAddress.Parse("")); // is True.
rangeA.Contains(IPAddress.Parse("")); // is False.
rangeA.ToCidrString(); // is

// rangeB.Begin is "", and rangeB.End is "".
var rangeB1 = IPAddressRange.Parse(" -");
rangeB1.Contains(IPAddress.Parse("")); // is True.
rangeB1.Contains(IPAddress.Parse("")); // is False.

// Support shortcut range description. 
// ("" means range of begin: to end:
var rangeB2 = IPAddressRange.Parse("");

// Support CIDR expression and IPv6.
var rangeC = IPAddressRange.Parse("fe80::/10"); 
rangeC.Contains(IPAddress.Parse("fe80::d503:4ee:3882:c586%3")); // is True.
rangeC.Contains(IPAddress.Parse("::1")); // is False.

public static bool IsInRange(string startIpAddr, string endIpAddr, string address)
    long ipStart = BitConverter.ToInt32(IPAddress.Parse(startIpAddr).GetAddressBytes().Reverse().ToArray(), 0);

    long ipEnd = BitConverter.ToInt32(IPAddress.Parse(endIpAddr).GetAddressBytes().Reverse().ToArray(), 0);

    long ip = BitConverter.ToInt32(IPAddress.Parse(address).GetAddressBytes().Reverse().ToArray(), 0);

    return ip >= ipStart && ip <= ipEnd; //edited

Console.WriteLine(IsInRange("", "", ""));//true

The best is to convert these addresses to an integer and then perform comparisons.

Example from here: IP to Integer

To convert an IP address to integer, break it into four octets. For example, the ip address you provided can be broken into:

First Octet:    217
Second Octet:   110
Third Octet:    18
Fourth Octet:   206

To calculate the decimal address from a dotted string, perform the following calculation.

    (first octet * 256³) + (second octet * 256²) + (third octet * 256) + (fourth octet)
=   (first octet * 16777216) + (second octet * 65536) + (third octet * 256) + (fourth octet)
=   (217 * 16777216) + (110 * 65536) + (18 * 256) + (206)
=   3647869646

Considering IPv6, you can convert them to integers (128bit vs 32bit IPv4) as well. Have a look at this question: Formatting IPv6 as an int in C# and storing it in SQL Server

The simplest route is to get the framework to do this for you. Use IPAddress.Parse to parse the address, then IPAddress.GetAddressBytes to get the "number" as byte[].