Exercises to improve my Java programming skills [closed]

I recommend reading through the Sun's tutorials for code examples and practice in all areas of Java programming, especially the areas you wish to improve in.

Depending on how much of beginner examples you were looking for, check out CodingBat for some good beginner exercises. Project Euler is another good site, but depending on your skill level now, this may be too much, but it's worth trying anyways.

Most importantly, Its also worth noting that personal projects are a great way to start to learn a new language. I would also recommend starting a project that is benefical to you and get cracking right away, no time is better than the present!

When learning a new language, there are some nice problem sets you can use to learn the language better.

  • Project Euler has some nice problems with a strong mathematical twist.
  • Practice on Google Code Jam past problems, stick to the qualification rounds for the easier problems

I highly recommend reading the book 'Effective Java' from Joshua Bloch.

You could try the problems at RosettaCode, many of which lack Java solutions at the moment. The problems are of many different difficulties, but each has a solution already in another language which should help with the algorithmic side.

If you wanted to learn some GUI, may be tic tac toe is good. Even for console, I still find that is a fun problem. Not challenging but a little bit fun. Later you can advance some other games or port that game to GUI, client server or java applet for the web. I think if you want to learn something and get fun as well, game is a good choice:)