Why are "continue" statements bad in JavaScript? [closed]

The statement is ridiculous. continue can be abused, but it often helps readability.

Typical use:

for (somecondition)
    if (!firsttest) continue;


    if (!further_tests()) continue;


The goal is to avoid 'lasagna' code, where you have deeply nested conditionals.

Edited to add:

Yes, this is ultimately subjective. Here's my metric for deciding.

Edited one last time:

This example is too simple, of course, and you can always replace nested conditionals with function calls. But then you may have to pass data into the nested functions by reference, which can create refactoring problems at least as bad as the ones you're trying to avoid.

I am personally on the other side than the majority here. The problem is usually not with the shown continue patterns, but with more deeply nested ones, where possible code paths may become hard to see.

But even your example with one continue does not show improvement in my opinion that is justifiable. From my experience a few continue statements are a nightmare to refactor later (even for static languages better suited for automated refactoring like Java, especially when someone later puts there break too).

Thus, I would add a comment to the quote you gave:

Refactoring to remove continue statement inreases your further ability to refactor.

And inner loops are really good candidated for e.g. extract function. Such refactoring is done when the inner loop becomes complex and then continue may make it painful.

These are my honest opinions after working professionally on JavaScript projects in a team, there rules that Douglas Crockford talks about really show their merits.

Douglas Crockford may feel this way because he doesn't believe in assignment within a conditional. In fact, his program JSlint doesn't even let you do it, even though Javascript does. He would never write:

Example 1

while (rec = getrec())
    if (condition1(rec))


but, I'm guessing he would write something like:

Example 2

rec = getrec();

while (rec)
    if (!condition(rec))

    rec = getrec();

Both of these work, but if you accidentally mix these styles you get an infinite loop:

Example 3

rec = getrec();

while (rec)
    if (condition1(rec))

    rec = getrec();

This could be part of why he doesn't like continues.