I have the DataPrepareService that prepare data for reports and I have an Enum with report types, and I need to inject ReportService into Enum or have access to ReportService from enum.

my service:

public class DataPrepareService {
    // my service

my enum:

public enum ReportType {

    REPORT_1("name", "filename"),
    REPORT_2("name", "filename"),
    REPORT_3("name", "filename")

    public abstract Map<String, Object> getSpecificParams();

    public Map<String, Object> getCommonParams(){
        // some code that requires service

I tried to use

DataPrepareService dataPrepareService;

, but it didn't work

How can I inject my service into enum?

public enum ReportType {

    REPORT_1("name", "filename"),
    REPORT_2("name", "filename");

    public static class ReportTypeServiceInjector {
        private DataPrepareService dataPrepareService;

        public void postConstruct() {
            for (ReportType rt : EnumSet.allOf(ReportType.class))



weekens' answer works if you change inner class to static so spring can see it

Maybe something like this:

public enum ReportType {
    public class ReportTypeServiceInjector {
        private DataPrepareService dataPrepareService;

        public void postConstruct() {
            for (ReportType rt : EnumSet.allOf(ReportType.class))

    REPORT_1("name", "filename"),
    REPORT_2("name", "filename"),

There is one another approach you may like to explore. However instead of injecting a bean into enum it associates a bean with an enum

Say you have an enum WidgetType and Widget class

public enum WidgetType {

public class Widget {

  WidgetType widgetType;
  String message;

  public Widget(WidgetType widgetType, String message) {
    this.widgetType = widgetType;
    this.message = message;

And you want to create Widgets of this type using a Factory BarFactory or FooFactory

public interface AbstractWidgetFactory {
  Widget createWidget();
  WidgetType factoryFor();

public class BarFactory implements AbstractWidgetFactory {
  public Widget createWidget() {
    return new Widget(BAR, "A Foo Widget");
  public WidgetType factoryFor() {
    return BAR;

public class FooFactory implements AbstractWidgetFactory {
  public Widget createWidget() {
    return new Widget(FOO, "A Foo Widget");
  public WidgetType factoryFor() {
    return FOO;

The WidgetService is where most of the work happens. Here I have a simple AutoWired field which keeps tracks of all the registered WidgetFactories. As a postConstruct operation we create a map of the enum and the associated factory.

Now clients could inject the WidgetService class and get the factory for the given enum type

public class WidgetService {

  List<AbstractWidgetFactory> widgetFactories;

  Map<WidgetType, AbstractWidgetFactory> factoryMap = new HashMap<>();

  public void init() {
    widgetFactories.forEach(w -> {
      factoryMap.put(w.factoryFor(), w);

  public Widget getWidgetOfType(WidgetType widgetType) {
    return factoryMap.get(widgetType).createWidget();


it will be hard to control that the spring container is already up and running at the time the enum is instantiated (if you had a variable with this type in a test-case, your container will usually not be there, even aspectj autowiring won't help there). i would recommend to just let the dataprepare-service or something give you the specific-params with a lookup-method with the enum-parameter.