Are Doom Bots attacking everything?

Solution 1:

Doombots while strong still use the AI that exists for the base version of the game. Bots are pretty dumb with mechanics beyond last hitting, skirmishing, and rotations. The strength of doombots just comes from the crazy abilities that they have. So if regular bots don't react to it the doombots won't. Skarners shrines are a definte example of this. Bots have no idea how to play vs that mechanic. A good rule of thumb is if it requires the bot to move to it to destroy (skarner, reksai, bard) bot's wont care. Elise's spiders will never be targeted over elise so the only time they'd die is if aoe is being aimed at Elise but not to kill her spiderlings. Player entities that attack bots when the champ is out of range (boxes, tibbers, ect) will get focused but at an extremely low level of priority compared to champs and minions.

While your kindred question is technically not related to the doombots, yes kindred can mark any enemy jungle camp that has its large monster alive (in fact the passive only works on neutral monsters and enemy camps). If a camp is currently aggro'd it will not be marked.