How to locate imprisoned lord to rescue him

I've been trying to locate a lord (Count Matheas) that has been imprisoned for around a month. I went through all the castles and cities of the faction that is detainning him but I cannot find him anywhere.

How can I locate him so I can rescue him? Can I talk to a NPC that is able to tell me where he is or could be?

He might be with some of the other faction party, the best way to find him is probably go fight some of the other faction parties if you win against the one that has him as a hostage you can free him

I know this thread is super old, but best way to locate an imprisoned lord to rescue is follows:

  1. Under “notes”, go to character, find the lord in question
  2. Find a relative, who is also a lord (father, son, etc)
  3. Locate that relative lord, and then ask for a task.
  4. My first attempt, got a “rescue my son from prison” quest, which of course tells you exactly where he is.

Hope this helps others!