How to deinterlace SNES video for PC play/capture?

I've found some useful information in the following posts:

Both of these mention using some software called amarectv. It seems it was last updated in 2013, but this works on Windows 10.

Here's a screenshot of it the output, the interlacing issue I posted about is no longer present:

Some notes on the setup:

I downloaded the software and unzipped it, filename

There are a few different executables, I just ran AmaRecTV.exe.

Here's a copy of the config, this is the only tab where I changed anything:

Text overview of settings:

  • Video Capture Device: Conexant Polaris Video Capture (only option)
  • Audio Capture Device: changed to Conexant Polaris Audio Capture
  • Input: changed to composite
  • Audio input: changed to (link)
  • (I'm in the US, using the 29.97 fps options)
  • Format (top/video): changed to *w= 720, h= 480, fps=29.97, fcc=UYVY, bit=16
  • Format (bottom/audio): chose *sample= 48000, bit=16, ch= 2 (only option)

A note on the format, the 360x240 options (*w= 360, h= 240, fps=29.97, fcc=YUY2, bit=16) are still badly interlaced. I can't tell a difference between UYVY and YUV2