Cannot transfer a great admiral to another city
Solution 1:
As obvious as it is or is not. When the admiral spawns, it was in this case, it was a harbour district. (this was during my first game, so I am now well aware of this shift of units preferring districts when producing)
Once I moved the admiral to a city, I then had the option enabled to transfer to another city.
Much the same as if building a naval unit that if a coastal city has a harbour district, the unit is built there.
Note, you need a city on the coast to be able to move the great admiral.
Solution 2:
Here is a workaround allowing to move your great admiral as if it was a land unit:
- Open the file "Units.xml" (it is located in ..\Base\Assets\Gameplay\Data\Units.xml)
- Make a copy of Units.xml if you like to play it safe
- Go to the line with UnitType="UNIT_GREAT_ADMIRAL" in the section "Units"
- Start or restart the Civilization VI and load your save game
- Be aware that you won't see the change until the next turn