Can the Ratchet and Clank "Burn Ring" Appear in other games?

There's a cheat/glitch in the first Ratchet and Clank game where you can glitch onto one of the race tracks whilst on foot. Positioning yourself under a bunch of crates (so they're off screen) and using the Taunter (a soundwave weapon) in their direction, allows you to break the crates for bolts. The crates, being off-screen, instantly re-spawn on the race track, allowing the players to continue to break them and receive the bolts. This allows you to buy the more expensive items such as the R.Y.N.O, as well as the Gold Weapon upgrades.

The drawback is that doing this for too long is that it can "burn" this ring into the disk which can make the game unstable or even unreadable.

What's the likelihood of something similar to happen in other games? The glitch in Ratchet and Clank was fixed up in PAL copies and the HD Re-Release would have that fix but I'm more thinking in terms of something like:

Example 1:

In an RPG, being back and forwards in a small location to get random encounters to grind exp, even going so far as to have a controller or macro repeatedly press the confirm button so just the basic move is performed

Example 2:

Having the game in a pause screen or menu where the game is effectively paused

There is not a way to damage a disc by playing the same part of the game over and over again. The power output of the laser is not sufficient to damage commercially printed discs in any reasonable time frame. The motor that moves the laser will likely fail before the disc or any of the other components will.

It's also not true that playing a particular part of the game is more likely to read from the same locations on the disc repeatedly than playing the game normally. The game data could be laid out on the disc in such a way that certain portions of the disc see more usage if you're playing normally rather than playing in a particular area. For instance, during a portion of the game where you're standing still, the game might not need to access the disc much at all. On the other hand, loading your game and playing through several levels might cause a much higher load on the disc.

You may be thinking of screen burn-in instead - if you leave a game running and the display on, over time the image can become permanently visible in the display, even when the game is off. Depending on the display technology, this may take more or less time. Many games have static status bars or other UI elements that encourage this form of burn-in.