Get the subdomain from a URL

Getting the subdomain from a URL sounds easy at first.


Scan for the first period then return whatever came after the "http://" ...

Then you remember


Oh. So then you think, okay, find the last period, go back a word and get everything before!

Then you remember

And you're back to square one. Anyone have any great ideas besides storing a list of all TLDs?

Solution 1:

Anyone have any great ideas besides storing a list of all TLDs?

No, because each TLD differs on what counts as a subdomain, second level domain, etc.

Keep in mind that there are top level domains, second level domains, and subdomains. Technically speaking, everything except the TLD is a subdomain.

In the example, "domain" is a subdomain, "com" is a second level domain, and "uk" is the TLD.

So the question remains more complex than at first blush, and it depends on how each TLD is managed. You'll need a database of all the TLDs that include their particular partitioning, and what counts as a second level domain and a subdomain. There aren't too many TLDs, though, so the list is reasonably manageable, but collecting all that information isn't trivial. There may already be such a list available.

Looks like is one such list—all the common suffixes (.com,, etc) in a list suitable for searching. It still won't be easy to parse it, but at least you don't have to maintain the list.

A "public suffix" is one under which Internet users can directly register names. Some examples of public suffixes are ".com", "" and "". The Public Suffix List is a list of all known public suffixes.

The Public Suffix List is an initiative of the Mozilla Foundation. It is available for use in any software, but was originally created to meet the needs of browser manufacturers. It allows browsers to, for example:

  • Avoid privacy-damaging "supercookies" being set for high-level domain name suffixes
  • Highlight the most important part of a domain name in the user interface
  • Accurately sort history entries by site

Looking through the list, you can see it's not a trivial problem. I think a list is the only correct way to accomplish this...

Solution 2:

As Adam says, it's not easy, and currently the only practical way is to use a list.

Even then there are exceptions - for example in .uk there are a handful of domains that are valid immediately at that level that aren't in, so those have to be added as exceptions.

This is currently how mainstream browsers do this - it's necessary to ensure that can't set a Cookie for which would then be sent to any other website under

The good news is that there's already a list available at

There's also some work in the IETF to create some sort of standard to allow TLDs to declare what their domain structure looks like. This is slightly complicated though by the likes of, which is operated as if it were a public suffix, but isn't sold by the .com registry.

Solution 3: seems the way to do. There are plenty of implementations out there to parse the contents of the publicsuffix data file file easily:

  • Perl: Domain::PublicSuffix
  • Java:
  • PHP: php-domain-parser
  • C# / .NET:
  • Python:
  • Ruby: domainatrix, public_suffix

Solution 4:

As already said by Adam and John is the correct way to go. But, if for any reason you cannot use this approach, here's a heuristic based on an assumption that works for 99% of all domains:

There is one property that distinguishes (not all, but nearly all) "real" domains from subdomains and TLDs and that's the DNS's MX record. You could create an algorithm that searches for this: Remove the parts of the hostname one by one and query the DNS until you find an MX record. Example: => no MX record, proceed       => no MX record, proceed             => MX record found! assume that's the domain

Here is an example in php:

function getDomainWithMX($url) {
    //parse hostname from URL 
    // =>
    $urlParts = parse_url($url);
    if ($urlParts === false || empty($urlParts["host"])) 
        throw new InvalidArgumentException("Malformed URL");

    //find first partial name with MX record
    $hostnameParts = explode(".", $urlParts["host"]);
    do {
        $hostname = implode(".", $hostnameParts);
        if (checkdnsrr($hostname, "MX")) return $hostname;
    } while (array_shift($hostnameParts) !== null);

    throw new DomainException("No MX record found");

Solution 5:

For a C library (with data table generation in Python), I wrote which is both fast and space efficient.

The library uses ~30kB for the data tables and ~10kB for the C code. There is no startup overhead since the tables are constructed at compile time. See for more details.

To better understand the table generation code (Python), start here:

To better understand the C API, see: