Incompatible JVM in GGTS (Eclipse) and JAVA 1.8

Having some problem with running a grails application in GGTS (eclipse) due to upgrade to Java 1.8.

The stack starts with:

Mar 05, 2015 3:51:31 PM org.springsource.loaded.jvm.JVM copyMethod
SEVERE: Problems copying method. Incompatible JVM?
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor91.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at org.springsource.loaded.jvm.JVM.copyMethod(
    at org.springsource.loaded.ri.OriginalClassInvoker.createJavaMethod(
    at org.springsource.loaded.ri.ReflectiveInterceptor.jlClassGetDeclaredMethods(
    at org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedClass$3$
    at Method)
    at org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedClass$3.initValue(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at org.springsource.loaded.ri.ReflectiveInterceptor.jlrMethodInvoke(
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can not copy a non-root Method
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.copy(
    ... 280 more

I used to run the same application in Java 1.7. My colleagues upgraded to 1.8 and no longer able to run it.

I tested with SUN JDK and now I am on OpenJDK again and that does not help Current JDK openjdk version "1.8.0_40"

JAVA_HOME, JAVA_PATH and any other variable seems to point to the correct JDK installation. I have removed all the previous (JDK 1.6 & 1.7 from the OS to be sure that there is no reference to them).

For some reason GGTS still complains for a wrong JVM. I understand the error might be related to a compiler 1.7 trying to compile files in the 1.8, but I am not sure where this reference is comming from in eclipse.

My Eclipse installation information lists the following under Java:

[email protected]/../p2

Solution 1:

Version 1.8.0_40 and 1.8.0_45 has breaking updates with grails. Spring can not copy non-Root methods.

Since the initial posting a workaround has been developed.

aclement commented on Mar 5 Here is the build:

To test it under grails, what I do is go into the grails folder: grails-2.5.0/lib/org.springframework/springloaded/jars

I then rename the spring loaded jar that is there and put in a symlink to the jar above. It used to be that you could just modify the startGrails script to point to the new version, but now due to the forking I find you need to do the symlink thing. Or drop that jar into this folder and rename it to match the expectations of grails (rename it from springloaded-1.2.2.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar to springloaded-1.2.0.RELEASE.jar)

If you want to rollback instead

Grails is natively supported in 1.8.0_25, 1.8.0_31

Once you have a compatible java version clean your grails project. Ensure that your java path variables are set to point to your expected version.

set JAVA_HOME=C:\java\jdk1.8.0_25
set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%;

Solution 2:

It's a problem related to jdk8u40, go back to jdku31. It works in that version. I'm running into the same problem both in windows and linux environments.

Solution 3:

I updated my springloaded jar to version 1.2.4.BUILD-SNAPSHOT (from 1.2.1) and that resolved the issue. (Latest version can be found in the Spring repo)

  1. Go to your local Grails lib directory to find springloaded jar. For me that was /usr/local/Cellar/grails/2.4.4/libexec/lib/org.springframework/springloaded/jars/
  2. remove existing 1.2.1 jars (I removed pom file, too, but not necessary)
  3. download latest springloaded jar and place into the jars subdir: wget

After doing that, everything works. (Clues used from previous answer:

Solution 4:

Step 1 : Download this jar

step 2 : put it into the grails folder: grails-2.4.1/lib/org.springframework/springloaded/jars

should be enough , restart IDE

Solution 5:

Root cause, work-arounds and news on fixes here: