How do I ask a waitress to "wrap the rest of the food up" to bring home?

I went to a restaurant for a meal and didn't manage to finish it, so there was some food leftover. How do you politely ask a server/waiter/waitress to wrap the food up?

And is the expression "wrap up" correct?

There are several options:

1) Could I have a to go container for this? Thanks. 2) I'd like to take this home. 3) Could you box this up for me? Thank you.

I haven't heard "doggie bag" used in a long time, and to me isn't the impression I want to generate about the restaurant's food.

Sometimes, a server will ask you if you'd like to take the food home. If not, just use one of the expressions I gave.

If you had a sandwich it makes sense to use "wrap up" but for some things, not.

Some fine dining places will not have take out containers and will politely decline.