Ubuntu 13.04 bluetooth A2DP does not work

I have installed Ubuntu 13.04 in a new partition and I have some issues with bluetooth.

I usually use bluetooth to connect to my wireless headset, in the old partition with Ubuntu 12.10 everything is okay.

Ubuntu is able to detect my bluetooth receivers but I can't pair my device. After googling I found that all I need is to add Enable=Socket in the general section of /etc/bluetooth/audio.conf.

After restarting the bluetooth daemon I am able to pair my wireless A2DP receiver and I see the bluetooth adapter under the audio setting, that means that pulseaudio has recognized my A2DP adapter.

Unfortunately when I play the audio file, I hear the output through the PC speakers rather that my bluetooth handcuffs.

Any idea how to resolve this?

I tried formatting and reinstalling Ubuntu 64-bit from scratch in order to get a clean install but the problem is still there. I suspect the Ubuntu team has changed something in the bluetooth settings from 12.10 to 13.04.

Solution 1:

This worked for me:

1) Open /etc/bluetooth/audio.conf with the following command*:

gksudo gedit /etc/bluetooth/audio.conf

(*) The command line above requires gedit and gksu packages.

2) find "Enable =..." under [General] section and delete Socket from the list.

Enable = ....

3) Add this line in General section:

Disable = Socket

4) Save, and close gedit

5) Restart the bluetooth service with the following command:

sudo service bluetooth restart

6) Restart pulseaudio for good measure.

pulseaudio -k 
pulseaudio -D

7) Cross Your Fingers and try.

Solution 2:

I had almost exactly the same problem as original post. I tried about every suggestion I could find. After days of trial and error my Bose AE2w finally connects and stays connected in A2DP profile.

First, I mute my sound card in sound options before I connect to my bluetooth heaset (this step may be unnecessary, but it is what I do). And I have edited /etc/bluetooth/audio.config with these settings (comments deleted in example)

AutoConnect=false #test later with true

Then click connect in bluetooth options (if it isn't automatic). Last, select the A2DP profile in Sound options. I honestly don't know what some of the setting do, but it has been working for me for 2 days.

I don't know for sure, but I think the root of the problem is that the "Sound" window only lists 1 device (but the device 2 profiles). Because on windows 7/8 in the sound options it lists 2 devices (one for each profile), making it possible to select a "default device [profile]".

Thanks guys, I wouldn't have solved this problem on my own, I hope this helps someone.

edit: this has been working for a week on trusty tahr amd x64 with creative x-fi platinum, bose ae2w, soundbot bluetooth adapter.