How can I apply exceptions to window decoration on compiz?

An oldie but goody that still works to deal with window decorations is devilspie

enter image description here

how to

Install devilspie:

sudo apt-get install devilspie

Then create a new folder in your home folder:

mkdir ~/.devilspie

Create a new file in this folder called terminal.ds and paste the following:

    (is (application_name) "Terminal")
       (geometry "1024x300+4+450")
    ) )

The key part here is (undecorate) to remove the window decoration for the terminal application.

(geometry) is used to control the location and size of the application, in this case 1024 in length, 300 pixels high and placed in the position 4 x 450

When testing, edit the file, then run devilspie to see the changes enacted.

When you are happy, just put nohup devilspie & as a startup application to run on login.

Obviously you'll lose the titlebar if you intend to use locally integrated menus. If you stick with global menus then this works very well.

More information about devilspie can be found here.


Dont forget that you are still able to move the terminal window around the screen - just use the shortcut key Alt+F7 to enable the window move capability and drag the mouse point around to position the terminal.

Just in-case you are not already aware of the option - to set the transparency of the terminal, use edit - profile preferences and select the Transparent Background option

enter image description here