Can't login to Ubuntu 14.04 [duplicate]

This happened to me a couple of times too, this is probably because there is little space on your machine or an issue with LightDM or Xauthority but most probably xauthority. Here is what I did;

I simultaneously pressed Ctrl+Alt+F1, Login with your user name and password, and enter following command:

sudo mv .Xauthority .XauthorityBak


sudo reboot

After that try again.

I was having the same problem. I was installing some software to do go development, but I didn't do anything (that I know of) that would have modified permissions of the home directory (the problem previously reported).

I typed the Ctl-Alt-F1 and got the terminal login. I tried fixing the permissions on the home directory, but that didn't fix anything.

Then I recalled adding a path command to the .profile

I removed all my changes to the .profile, and now I am fixed.