Short alternatives of the word Authentication and the word Authorisation [closed]

Solution 1:

I've worked with IETF people and developers who spend a lot of time on Apache, who tend to use:

AuthN - Authentication
AuthZ - Authorization

You'll find these abbreviations in a lot of IETF technical documents.
Yes, I know British spelling prefers s over z (authorisation).

Solution 2:

You could think of replacing the word 'authentication' with 'identification', since in this context, I think they are probably equivalent.

You could then substitute 'authorization' with 'permission'.

Then, abbreviate as 'ident' and 'perm'.

Solution 3:

I suppose you could take the approach taken when abbreviating 'internationalization' as 'i18n' (and 'localization' as 'l10n':

  • 'authentication' => 'a12n'
  • 'authorization' = > 'a11n'

The idea is to keep the first and last letters of the word, and replace all of the interior letters with a number representing the count of the letters removed.

Of course, looking at 'a12n' and 'a11n', you may not know the meaning right away, so this is probably not the best solution.

Solution 4:

authent. and authoris.? I would say that your current versions are fairly difficult to read, and also not particularly easy to tell apart from one another at a glance.