I have an older Mac computer. Apple tells me it will run OS thru El Capitan. It is currently running snow leopard 10.6.8.

When I open "http://iTunes.apple.com/app/os-x-el-capitan/id1147835433?mt=12" I go to the Apple App Store and it says this is the El Capitan download. There is a blue button on the left side of screen under the large X that says "Get". If I click on this blue button, the button changes shade of blue as long as I hold the mouse button down, but nothing happens. If I click on the down arrow on the right side of the blue button, I get two options, "copy link" and "tell a friend".

enter image description here

How do I download El Capitan? I called Apple tech support (tier 2) and spend several hours downloading to 10.6.8, but Apple can not tell me why I can not download El Capitan from the App Store. Any help appreciated!

Solution 1:

If neither of the "direct" App Store links (1. El Capitan 2. El Capitan) as described in other answers like this one work, you can try to trick App Store - as elaborated here: Install OS X El Capitan on Mac Direct Download.

Here a local web server with all necessary files mimics the remote but stubborn Apple server.

  • Open a browser and download the following files:

    1. OS X El Capitan .pfpkg file (direct link)
    2. OS X El Capitan .pkg file (direct link)
  • Open Terminal.app and enter

    sudo nano /etc/hosts
  • add the following line at the end of the file: osxapps.itunes.apple.com
  • Hit ctrlO to write the file to disk and ctrlX to exit nano
  • Enter sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder to flush the DNS cache.
  • Enter cd Desktop to change your working directory to your desktop
  • Create a folder mkdir osxapps_local and cd to it: cd osxapps_local
  • Create to paths with:

    sudo mkdir -p ./apple-assets-us-std-000001/Purple60/v4/45/df/86/45df865d-d24d-01d6-2b2c-c003317293ac/
    sudo mkdir -p ./apple-assets-us-std-000001/Purple20/v4/dc/94/05/dc940501-f06f-2a91-555e-3dc272653af5/
  • move the downloaded files to the respective folders:

    sudo mv ~/Downloads/signed.dcr.6112397842917719871.pfpkg ~/Desktop/osxapps_local/apple-assets-us-std-000001/Purple60/v4/45/df/86/45df865d-d24d-01d6-2b2c-c003317293a
    sudo mv ~/Downloads/izt4803713449411067066.pkg  ~/Desktop/osxapps_local/apple-assets-us-std-000001/Purple20/v4/dc/94/05/dc940501-f06f-2a91-555e-3dc272653af5
  • Start a small web server:

    sudo python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80
  • Now you can check if your small web server works by entering


    in the address field of your browser. The file should be "downloaded" with a high download speed. Delete the downloaded file afterwards.

  • Launch App Store.app, go to the El Capitan page or your Purchased tab and download OS X El Capitan from there.
  • The OS X El Capitan Installer.app should be "downloaded", compiled in /Applications/ and launched. Quit the OS X Installer for now. Quit App Store.app.
  • Quit the http server by entering ctrlC in Terminal.app
  • Revert the changes of your hosts file:

    sudo nano /etc/hosts

    and remove the line osxapps.itunes.apple.com.

  • Hit ctrlO to write the file to disk and ctrlX to exit nano
  • Quit Terminal.app
  • Open /Application/Install OS X El Capitan.app and install El Capitan