Can't disable fonts in Font Book after fresh Mojave install

It seems like Font Book in Mojave won't let us disable any fonts located in /Library/Fonts, where fonts are supposed to be installed for system-wide use. But I can disable/enable fonts with Font Book if they're located in ~/Library/Fonts (inside your user's home folder).

If you take the other suggestion to make a new folder called /Library/Fonts (disabled) or /Library/Fonts Disabled or /Library/Fonts I Hate etc, moving any fonts into there will just make them disappear entirely out of Font Book. It's not exactly disabling them, it's just putting them into a place where Font Book isn't looking for fonts at all.

Better to move any unwanted system fonts into ~/Library/Fonts, at least they will still be visible to Font Book, and you can easily enable them again if needed.

It turns out that (as far as I know), Font Book in Mojave just does not allow disabling of the default fonts.

There are two main locations where fonts are stored under Mojave:


/Library/Fonts/ contains all the general use fonts, available to all users. These are the fonts I wanted to disable.


/System/Library/Fonts/ contains fonts that are necessary for the system.

I simply moved all the fonts from /Library/Fonts/ to /Library/Fonts (disabled)/

It went fine and the system has not complained so far.

I did leave copies of the standard web fonts: Verdana, Times New Roman etc.