Is there a package management system for shell scripts?

Is there a package system (think npm, cpan, etc.) for shell scripts? Specifically, on Ubuntu?

Solution 1: can be installed with:

curl -Lo- "" | bash

and lets you install packages like:

bpkg install term -g

Packages are just Git repositories with a package.json at top-level.

Solution 2:

To my knowledge there is no such package / sharing tools for shell scripts... In my opinion, because there is not just one scripting language (you were probably thinking of bash, but other shells exist), and also because the task a shell script has to accomplish is often very specific.

Actually, you can think of the set of gnu tools (sed, awk, grep, etc...) as a set of basic (or more complex) tools, which are distributed as deb packages...

Nevertheless, you can find some examples on the net, like the list on this blog post...