Changing brightness at startup
Have you tried using some software to avoid manually dealing with the sys filesystem? I suggest using xbacklight.
xbacklight -set 10
This command will set the brightness of the screen to 10%. You can add that to your rc.local.
Edit: If the above procedure is not working there might be some problems between the kernel and the bios acpi. Edit the file: /boot/grub/menu.lst
Add the following parameters to the default configuration: thinkpad-acpi.brightness_enable=1 acpi_backlight=vendor
The default line shoud look something like this:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash thinkpad-acpi.brightness_enable=1 acpi_backlight=vendor"
Save the modified file and run:
sudo update-grub
Reboot and check if xbacklight is working
This is obviously a Kernel Compatibility issue with some Hardwares, and I just want you to try this workaround:
Backup and open grub file. Open terminal ( Ctrl+Alt+T ) and type:
sudo cp /etc/default/grub /etc/default/grub.bak sudo gedit /etc/default/grub
You will find this line in the new opened window:
Change it to:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_backlight=vendor"
Save and close the window and update your grub:
sudo update-grub
Restart your system:
sudo reboot
if above procedure doesn't work then repeat the same step but this time try to change the line in step 2 with this:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash pcie_aspm=force"
Reply if something goes wrong. If it doesn't work, please edit your question and paste you grub file contents: cat /etc/default/grub
If you are using Gnome 3 or Unity -
Checkout the master branch from
If you are using Gnome 2 -
Checkout the Gnome2 branch from
This is a python script solve your problem.
The command to be given in the startup applications is “python //// < Brightness level>”.
An example would be python /home/ishan/.setBrightness/ 20
. If you do not specify a brightness level, the script will change the brightness level according to the time of the day. If it’s between 7am and 8pm, the script will make the brightness be set to 75.
If it’s between 8pm and 7am, the script will make the brightness be set to 20. You can edit these brightness levels by changing the variables day_level and night_level respectively.