RabbitMQ has Nodedown Error

Solution 1:

I had this same problem today. There were no cookie or firewall problems and windows reported that the service was running successfully. This is what finally fixed it:

  1. Run RabbitMQ sbin command prompt as administrator.
  2. Run "rabbitmq-service remove"
  3. Run "rabbitmq-service install"

For some reason the service set up by the installer did not configure several registry entries. Running this set them correctly and allowed the service to run.

One thing I noticed was that before I did this, there was no description of the service in the Windows Services view. After installing with the rabbitmq-service command, the description was visible. This might be a quick indicator if you are having the same problem.

Solution 2:

As @eddyP commented, I had two different Erlang cookie files:

  • A server cookie file, located at $env:WINDIR\system32\config\systemprofile\.erlang.cookie (prior to Erlang 20.2 it was located at $env:WINDIR\.erlang.cookie).
  • A client cookie file, located at $env:USERPROFILE\.erlang.cookie.

Copying the server cookie file over the client one, so that both files were the same, fixed the problem for me.

For further details, see "How Nodes (and CLI tools) Authenticate to Each Other: the Erlang Cookie".

Solution 3:

From RabbitMQ Command Prompt sbin (run as administrator) execute this command:

rabbitmq-server restart