Where can I find the plus sign at the center of a Floating Action Button?

Is it made by Android or do I need to do it by my self?

Solution 1:

You can find the plus icon on the Vector Asset Studio.

  1. In Android Studio, open an Android app project.
  2. In the Project window, select the Android view.
  3. Right-click the res folder and select New > Vector Asset.
  4. Click the Android icon Button and look for the plus sign

More info here: https://developer.android.com/studio/write/vector-asset-studio.html#materialicon

Solution 2:

You can get the Material Icons:

1.Online - from the Material Design Website. The plus icon is called 'add'. Select the icon, pick a colour & size and download the png or svg resource.

2.From Android Studio - using Vector Asset Studio. Check the link for more information. (as suggested by Wilder Pereira in the post below)

Solution 3:

based on @Dagnogo's answer, I found this is the simplest way.


The key is using tint property

Solution 4:

If you need to change the color change the tint method on the fab. For example I needed the "white plus" in my fab so I did that :

    android:tint="@android:color/white" //put your colors here
    android:layout_height="wrap_content" />