Version control of Mathematica notebooks

Solution 1:

It's recommended to disable the file outline cache, which is the metadata you're referring to when you look at the notebook with a text editor. As you discovered, it can cause merge conflicts if multiple parties are editing the same notebook.

This is easily disabled with the Option Inspector. In the Mathematica menu, go to FormatOption Inspector..., in the top-left set the scope dropdown to Selected Notebook and search for FileOutlineCache in the search field. Set the option to False and save your notebook, and you should be all set.

Note that this can make opening notebooks a little slower, but unless the notebook is rather large, you probably won't notice the difference.

Solution 2:

There is a nice set of recommendations for how to use Git to do version control with Mathematica at Mathematica Stack Exchange. In short, the philosophy is to minimize use of .nb notebooks, and try to do most of the version control with .m packages (similar to what xuhdev and MMA user say above). This seems quite sensible given the way notebooks are managed.

Solution 3:

Not a solution to your merging problem exactly, but this is how we handle notebooks and source control in my team. Basically, we treat Mathematica notebooks the way we'd treat binary files. They're checked-in, but:

  • we always keep a pdf copy alongside the .nb (backup for restoring the information in case we lose, for some reason, the capability of readings .nb files. Still proprietary format, but a bit more widespread, and chances are both Adobe and Wolfram won't simultaneously disappear)
  • we do not allow merges
  • we code-review only the final product (the rendered notebook) instead of the .nb file.

We mostly use Mathematica for small proofs, explorations and sidetracks, so the above procedure works fine for us (our main documentation is in LaTeX, which produces friendlier documentation for non-mathematicians/non-programmers)

Solution 4:

Along the lines of what Simon and Kena were saying, when I have had Mathematica .nb's under version control, I often create a plain-text version of only the input code and save it with the same name but a .txt extension. While this doesn't directly solve the merging problem, it does make diff-ing work in a reasonable way and makes manual merging more obvious when I go back to edit the .nb's later. There are still some idiosyncrasies in this format, but it is MUCH easier to read than the raw .nb format.

To generate the text file, I just copy the notebook into a new blank notebook (with shortcuts, Ctrl-A,C,N,V), select the menu Cell->Delete All Output, copy the result (Ctrl-A,C), and paste the result into a plain text editor to save it. It takes surprisingly little time once you get the hang of it.