Is there any 'out-of-the-box' 2D/3D plotting library for C++? [closed]

I looked at the different options for plotting functions (or other types of graphs) in an interactive window. I mostly use wxWidgets but I'd be open to any other "interfaces".

Looking at what is available, here is what I've found:

wxPlot: Not updated since 2006. But it would be a good candidate if it was...

wxMathPlot: Very new, not mature, few features (still active?)

libgraph: Outdated, not rebust, 2D only and outputs images only.

koolplot: Too basic, no control over the created window.

EasyBMP: Very basic, only images output.

plotutils: Command line only.

plplot: C and C++ API are barely maintained. It is in fact on this that wxPlot is based. Could be a could candidate also if C and C++ interface we're updated.

Any comments? Ideas?


Even though this thread is old but gold. QCustomPlot is very recommendable as well to complement this list.

MathGL have many plot types, C/Fortran interface and basic data analysis

I'm all about ROOT for these needs. Pretty heavy if you don't need all the analysis support, though.

You have Qwt which is mature. There is a 3D version lurking somewhere. However, I have never been satisfied with the aesthetic result.

It may be worth waiting for Qt3D to come out to write something better yourself easily.