Is the Verizon iPhone 4 susceptible to the 'grip of death'?

Of course, it's possible to get any phone to lose a bit of signal if you cover the antenna with your hands, but I'm wondering if the Verizon iPhone 4 also suffers from the attenuation issues that the AT&T iPhone 4 famously suffered from last summer:

Solution 1:

ArsTechnica notes that there is no noticeable signal loss when gripping it with the 'death grip'. Though due to the way smart phone antennas are designed, it still may be possible

Solution 2:

As an add-on to the Ars report: photos of the adjustment of button locations also show differing locations of the breaks in the metal band around the device, so it's quite possible there was a real hardware change.

Verizon vs AT&T iPhone buttons

Other pictures show different breaks near the bottom of the phone, too.

Solution 3:

The flaw is in the iPhone 4's antenna design, not the network or carrier. So, I would say yes. The software "fix" they released is supposed to make the bars depict signal quality more accurately, so you may find that while on Verizon, "the death grip" doesn't affect signal quality at all or as much.. but that doesn't negate that the antenna design itself is flawed physically, and that's why "the death grip" has any affect on signal quality.