How do you add books to the Kindle app for iOS?

I might be overlooking something very obvious here but I cannot see any of the books I add to the Kindle app. Listed below are the steps I follow to add the books.

1. Connect the iPod Touch to my Windows computer and start iTunes.
2. On iTunes, go to the Apps Section of iPod Touch.
3. Using the new file transfer system with the iOS 4 (see screenshot), add the PDF and epub file type.

-And voila, that should have done it. -But when I check the Kindle app on the iPod Touch, it only has the three default books it came with when I downloaded the app. (See screenshot below screenshot)

I'm sure this is some error on my part but can't figure out what.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Solution 1:

The Kindle iphone app does not read pdf or epub files without conversion.

There are various tools you can use to convert from pdf and epub to the mobi format that the Kindle app can read. The one I use is Calibre, and it works pretty well. Epub files generally convert without problem, but pdf files might be harder, depending on how complex the pdf is. If there are pictures or columns you are probably in trouble.

Solution 2:

The simplest solution is not to use the Kindle reader for epub or pdf files, but instead of use iBooks for those. It will display both of them very well without any conversion required, and it's free.