Can I use the F-word in a formal context? [closed]

I want to ask whether I can use the word "Fuck" in a formal context.

Apparently, the word dates back to the early 16th century, so it shouldn't be considered slang (although, it is misused as slang for other reasons), but regardless of its vulgarity, could I use it in a formal context with its original definition? I imagine that people will be surprised, but when realizing in what context I am using it in, then it will be more understandable and acceptable to use it.

Firstly, I do not even know the definition of the word due to its vastness in meaning, I always thought it was an exclamation-like word meaning nothing (for it to mean sexual activities is a slang definition, is that not correct?), but used purely for emphasis. What does it first and foremost mean in its original/accurate and/or formal definition?

I also know of another definition of the word "Fuck," which is "I will fuck you" as in "I will defeat you" (in context of fighting or combat), is that a formal definition as well? I mainly ask for this, because I need to use the word in this context, specifically and especially.

Also, side question, is it possible not to always make it a vulgar word?

Thanks in advance.

Let's just go ahead and say, no. It's questionable to use expletives here, so... unless you're writing a dissertation on the usage of the word in question, again: no.

You shouldn't use any word you don't know the definition of, but here at Stack Exchange you may use them to talk about them. They are permissible when they are the context.

Firstly, I do not even know the definition of the word due to its vastness in meaning, I always thought it was an exclamation-like word meaning nothing (for it to mean sexual activities is a slang definition, is that not correct?)

As others have not spelt it out clearly: no, you are not correct. The original meaning of the word "fuck" is sexual activity (specifically, penetrative sex) and to use it in that way is vulgar but not slang. It seems to be closely related to words in other Germanic languages meaning to breed or to hit.

Use of the word is generally considered lowbrow and therefore avoided in a formal or genteel setting. Philip Larkin deliberately and skillfully breaks this rule in his poem This Be The Verse ("They fuck you up, your mum and dad".)

Biologists humorously refer to the four F's, which were introduced to me as "Feeding, Fleeing, Fighting and Sexual Activity". I prefer this deliberately non alliterative form to one in wikipedia which uses the workd "fornication." "Fucking" would actually be a better word than "fornication" here, because fornication refers specifically to extramarital sex, which is far too specific when describing the instinct (especially given that humans are the only animal to which marriage is even applicable.)

So yes, it can be used in a formal or highbrow literary setting, outside of simply linguistic discussion as mentioned in other answers. But it must be used very skillfully. And if you really have to ask you are probably better off not using it. If you want to discuss sex, you have many alternatives: "copulate" and "penetrate" are among the closest to the meaning of "fuck"; "make love" describes feelings of affection and not just a physical act, so its meaning is quite different.

It is very unwise to use "fuck" in any formal context whatsover (outside of technical discussion of language). The word either has strong and forceful sexual meaning, or it has the debased banality of over-frequent use by those groups of society who lack nuances and who express themselves repetitively and coarsely. In neither case does the usage fit with formal discourse. In short, although an excellent word to describe a very pleasant and necessary activity, it is rude.

Yes, you can use "fuck" in some formal contexts. One instance is when you're discussing 'fuck' as a word (a "linguistics" context). Other instances exist. For example: if you write an essay quoting language as it is used by speakers. This essay might be an essay in any of a number of sociological domains other than linguistics.

As for the rest, the meaning of the word depends upon the use. 'Fuck' may be used, for example, as a noun, verb, or interjection, all with various senses. The OED labels all senses as "coarse slang".

Your intended use in the context of fighting or combat, 'to fuck up', is defined as

To injure, wound; to kill.

[From "fuck, v." OED Online. Oxford University Press, September 2015. Web. 17 October 2015. Transfigurative sense 2b. of phrasal verb 'to fuck up'.]