I am trying to find an appropriate word to describe multiple items that wash up on shore. I would prefer a single-word answer, but don't know that one exists. I am trying to name a photo album that contains flotsam, jellyfish, seashells, and driftwood.

1. wrack


seaweed or other marine vegetation that is floating in the sea or has been cast ashore


a wreck or piece of wreckage

A lone beachcomber squats among the wrack
Of kaleidoscope shells
Probing fractured Venus with a stick
Under a tent of taunting gulls.

Two Lovers And A Beachcomber By The Real Sea - Sylvia Plath

2. jetsam


unwanted material or goods that have been thrown overboard from a ship and washed ashore, especially material that has been discarded to lighten the vessel.

"there was plenty of good kindling among the jetsam on the beach"