Consider a robot that can draw a shape.

Now let's say that this robot can both extend and redraw the shape, such that:

  • The shape becomes larger
  • The current shape changes

Is there a word that can accurately describe this phenomenon?

Words I'm currently thinking of but don't quite capture both the extend and redraw properties: self-morphing, self-modifying, self-extending, procedural (?)


The word should be closely related to the fact that this entity can grow by itself, without external interference.

Edit 2

I've learned my lesson: don't try to find the word to something without explaining the entire context. I apologize for this. Here is the full context of the word:

Let's say there is a model that tries to create Artificial Intelligence (AI). This model learns on-the-go and changes itself accordingly. Therefore, the AI brain can both change and grow. Strictly speaking, the rules according to which the AI changes its model are fixed and predetermined. The model itself is not. This implies that if data (or input) arrives, the model changes such that if subsequent data arrives, the model handles the data differently. I'm trying to describe the separation between models with a predetermined structure and models that have the explained varying structure (preferably in one word). It is important to note that not just the internal properties of the varying model changes (such as its estimates), but that the model can actually create (or grow) completely new areas.

Solution 1:

If the algorithm assesses the situation and takes into account its prior successes and failures, if it has access to history (pseudo-memory) and a way to assess the efficacy or suitability of its prior attempts, it could be called adaptive or heuristic.

Solution 2:

  • If the robot changes its own shape, you are looking for "self reconfiguration". These robots are "self-reconfigurable".

Modular self-reconfigurable robots consist of large numbers (hundreds or thousands) of identical modules that possess the ability to reconfigure into different shapes as required by the task at hand. For example, such a robot could start out as a snake to traverse a narrow pipe, then re-assemble itself into a six-legged spider to move over uneven terrain, growing a pair of arms to pick up and manipulate an object at the same time.

  • If the robot changes the shape of a drawing or sketch, you can say it reshapes what it has drawn.