Where's my *insert Pokémon here* gone?

So I just caught a 634CP Venonat, and there was much rejoicing.

This was recorded in my journal for future generations to view and marvel at:

Marvel at my skill and handsomeness. MARVEL IT!

I immediately hit Evolve on it, because it was fragging strong and I had enough candies.

It then proceeded to vanish into stray electrons. It's not in my Pokémon collection, it's not turned into a Venomoth, it's not re-integrated itself Dr. Manhattan style after restarting the app multiple times. I am 100% positive I didn't send it to the Professor to be ground into Torgo's Executive Powder.

Has anyone hit this particular bug before? Should we just chalk this up to a weird edge case and curse the gods?

Solution 1:

This happens a lot to some people. So if you want that Venomoth back you might want to email Niantic and ask for your Venomoth back. Show them evidence that you had the Venonat, because one guy lost his Pidgeot and asked for it back and got an Articuno so people are going to exploit that and fake that they lost a pokemon in order to do that, so of course Niantic is going to be suspicious.