Double pay from game tournaments

So I have been playing The Sims 4 for a few days now. Went with the gaming career, and making quite a lot of money with game tournaments and streaming.

Normally, you get 4.995 from the Hillock 2 game tournament. But now, all of a sudden, I keep getting double that. I have no clue why, but when I place first, I get 9.990. Every site says you should get 4.995, and I've been getting 4.995 until I started playing today.

Does anyone know why this might've happened?

Here you can see the 9.990 pop up just when I win it 9.900 earnings while winning game tournament

Update: Stream revenues seem to just have exploded as well, like 5-10 times more frequent donations. Maybe because I hit the 1 million mark of fans? I did just cross it. But not sure whether i had it before or not, maybe someone experienced the same?

I also finished second place just now, and got paid double the regular. 6.660 instead of 3.330.

2nd Update: So apparently it has something to do with the pc I'm using. I have 2 of the same pc's but one of them is paying me double and the other isn't. Now I think I got one of them as a bonus for when I reached a certain point in my career and the other one I bought. But as far as I know I just bought one and I didn't notice i got a free one until I moved. (after this post.)

The only difference i could find so far between the 2 computers is the selling price, well and the fact that the really low selling price one pays me double for tournaments.

I just want to know why, there must be some reliable reason for this.

enter image description here

Solution 1:

The answer to this question is fairly simple and I hope i can help you out. By purchasing a computer in yor household it it saved in your cache. This is happening to pretty much every single Item in your game save. When you start a tournament it obtains the data of the specific computer you are playing on. In some rare cases it might happen that the file is being replaced (for example when the computer is being repared, moved or the game has changed it's state somehow. It does not really matter) and this is the important part for your issue: if an item in the cache is renewed/ replaced or whatever it is being copied first and the original data is removed. As you can already tell by the explanation: sometimes the original data is not removed causing the computer to be two times in the game cache resulting in double income. To keep it simple: It's a bug waiting to be abused :)