Does the food spoil in caravans?

As of Alpha 17, it does. The interface now also shows when the food you take with you will spoil.

!! This changed in the release of Alpha 17. This is no longer true. !!

Food does not spoil or deteriorate in a caravan.

I have sent a caravan back and forth in a 3 day journey with meat. Before leaving, every stack of meat were set to spoil in 1 day because they are not refrigerated and had 46/50 hit points since they were left out on the open for a few hours.

After the journey, none of those stats changed, so it is safe to say that nothing will spoil.

However, this could be something that is added in a future update since it looks at like like a missing functionality, which would make sense since this game is still in alpha.

Note: Tested in Alpha 16

There wasn't any problems when I sent the caravan with simple meals and pemmican lasting about 20 days. In fact they ate the simple meals first before the pemmican.