Automatic WiFi sync to iTunes not working

I had a problem with AUTOMATIC wifi sync not working. Wifi sync worked when initiated from my iphone, but there was no automatic sync.

The fix I found was to:

  1. Ensure "Enable Wifi sync" in checked in the iPhone summary page of iTunes
  2. Ensure "Open iTunes when this iPhone is connected" is checked in the iPhone summary page of iTunes
  3. Ensure that "Prevent iPods, iPhones and iPads from syncing automatically" is not checked in the Preferences - Devices settings of iTunes.

I was missing step 2. Once I checked this box, I gained automatic wifi sync every time my iPhone was connected to external power within range of my wifi network.

I have the similar issue.

Please try these:

I actually notice --- even after I do this, it still does not sync automatically. So I enable this option "Open iTunes when this iDevice is connected" (in the options setting for the device --- just above the "sync with this iDevice over WiFi" option).

Then it starts to work.

This feature needs to be set up in iTunes. Connect your device. In iTunes, select the device and look on the Summary tab. At the bottom of the Summary tab is the Options section. Check the box next to "Sync with this iPhone over Wi-Fi." Now it should automatically sync wirelessly when connected to a power source within range; or, you can manually sync wirelessly through the Settings > General > iTunes Wi-Fi Sync menu.

I also was under the impression this was automatic, but I guess it makes sense to have it as an option.