Check if key exists in a Python dict in Jinja2 templates

Like Mihai and karelv have noted, this works:

{% if 'blabla' in item %}
{% endif %}

I get a 'dict object' has no attribute 'blabla' if I use {% if item.blabla %} and item does not contain a blabla key

You can test for key definition this way:

{% if is defined %}

{% endif %}

This works fine doesn't work in cases involving dictionaries. In those cases, please see the answer by tshalif. Otherwise, with SaltStack (for example), you will get this error:

Unable to manage file: Jinja variable 'dict object' has no attribute '[attributeName]'

if you use this approach:

{% if settings.myProperty %}

Will also skip, if settings.myProperty exists, but is evaluated as False (e.g. settings.myProperty = 0).